The importance of glove ergonomics for worker protection and safety

So many workers put their safety at risk every day to perform often dangerous and uncomfortable tasks. In addition, they come into contact with sharp and cutting materials, flames, heat, sparks or dangerous substances.
The part of the body that is often most exposed to these dangers is undoubtedly the hands. This is precisely why it is essential to know and use the right PPE, depending on the work to be performed and the environment in which these operations take place.
Features of an ergonomic glove
To be able to understand the importance of using the correct PPE, one only has to think of all the time we spend at work, wearing safety equipment to perform repetitive and sometimes unskillful or dangerous actions. Consequently, the level of comfort is also a prerequisite for successful work.
But when can a glove be defined as ‘comfortable’? Here are some characteristics:
1. COMFORT: which is given by the shape of the PPE and the use of materials with a high degree of elasticity and adaptability, which guarantee a comfortable fit.
2. THE FIT: in fact, if the gloves are too small, movements are difficult or, on the contrary, if they are too large, dexterity of movement decreases. This is precisely why we always stress to our customers how important it is to choose the correct size.
3. THE GRIP: to grip and hold objects, often hot or sharp, securely.
How important is it to have a glove with a double fit: right hand and left hand?
Another important point in the study and design of the right PPE for hand protection is to have a dedicated glove for the right hand and one for the left hand.
Being able to use the glove in a double fit is an added value for workers with complex and repetitive tasks, as it improves the efficiency and at the same time the comfort of the gloves.
Coval offers a number of glove designs that lend themselves to different uses and provide protection from contact heat up to 250° and even 500° according to EN 407 for thermal hazards.
Heat-resistant F2/15 oven and food industry mitten: made of thermal crust, two fingers, lined on the inside.
Added value, the 35 cm sleeve, for better protection of the forearm when handling hot pans and utensils.
F2AGP aramid heat protection mitten for foundry, which protects up to 500° heat by contact; it therefore offers extreme protection against extremely high temperatures: where there is a heat source or casting, or in case of prolonged contact with hot objects.
Aramid fibre mitten for contact heat F2TK, up to 350°. Ideal in environments such as:
food industry
metal working
handling of hot objects
What are the risks to which the worker is most
As mentioned above, risks can be various, depending on the job and the target sector. Here are some of the most common examples:
- Mechanical risks: cuts, scratches, abrasions
- Biological risks: contact with micro-organisms
- Chemical risks: contact with chemicals or solvents
- Physical risks: intermittent vibrations or repeated shocks
- Thermal risks: contact with sparks, metal splashes, radiant or contact heat, flames
To try to avoid or limit the damage resulting from accidents related to these hazards, it is important to choose the most appropriate safety device, taking into account different elements, such as:
- the material from which they are made
- the study of the ergonomics of the product, which must best suit the user
Certainly, the choice of raw materials and yarns can make a difference, as can the study of details. And it is precisely here that we want to focus on in this article.
How important is the study of glove ergonomics?
Safety devices used for hand protection are not all the same. An example?
If two people both work in a foundry, it does not mean that they have to use the same heat-resistant glove. In fact, depending on the task, the duration of use of the PPE, and the size of the user, it will be necessary to evaluate which product is most suitable for the purpose.
Here are some glove options that can be found in the Coval Safety range:
- Mitten
- 3-finger glove
- 5-finger glove
Each of these proposals lends itself to a different use.
Why choose a 5-finger heat-resistant glove
rather than a 2-finger mitten or a 3-finger
Let us give some examples to understand this.
The 5-finger glove provides greater freedom of movement and dexterity than other 2-finger or 3-finger designs. It is, however, less practical to remove in an emergency. They are mainly used in sectors where precision is essential, but also in foundry, glassworks and welding.
The 2-finger mitten, ideal for those working in the Ho.Re.Ca field, on the other hand, allows the air to act as an insulator: the same mitten produced with 5 fingers or with 2 fingers can therefore have a slight difference in terms of thermal insulation, i.e. it delays the perception of heat more.
In addition, the handgrip is more suitable when there is a need to easily slip the PPE on and off, during normal working activity or in an emergency.
The 3-finger glove, on the other hand, is an excellent compromise between the 5-finger glove and the handgrip; it is recommended for applications in the catering industry, when for example there is a need to handle pans or grills, as it offers a firmer grip on hot objects.
Read more HERE.
What Coval Safety recommends for the
protection and safety of your hands
To every hand its glove!
For every worker in different industries or in the same industry, Coval studies and offers different solutions, in order to enjoy the working day in safety and comfort.
For example, gloves that reduce hand or finger movements require the worker to exert more muscular effort to perform the required tasks. This increases the risk of tensions that can cause fatigue in the hand, or lead to persistent and painful conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome.
And it is precisely with a view to offering our customers something designed for them and their everyday needs that we strive to differentiate our products according to sector and task.
With us, you will not only be able to try out the most suitable products for your needs, but you will also have access to expert consultants to guide you in your choice and the opportunity to benefit from our Training.
You will discover all the features of the PPE you wear, understand what size is right for you and the importance of details such as sleeves or glove length.
To find out more contact us and make an appointment, we will be ready to guide you through the world of safety.