Leather for PPE: Is it really sustainable?

In the last decade the term “ecological” has become increasingly important and has become a point of debate between manufacturers and consumers. The latter, in fact, are increasingly attentive to the impact that industrial production has on the environment and have begun to buy on the basis of the companies’ environmental policy. Eco-friendly, green, sustainable, are all overused terms, but we do not always pay the right attention to their real meaning.
Worker safety and PPE certification
Often, in the tanning sector, it is impossible not to refer to the waste of water and energy, to the use of chemical agents, such as chromium, and to the conditions of animals, bringing it as a “negative” example and contrary to the concept of ecology.
But are we really sure this is the case? Here are some important points that we at COVAL want to highlight to see the topic from another point of view:
In Italy there is a very strict legislation in the field of tanning, which protects both the safety of consumers and workers. For this reason our company considers very important to select all the suppliers and every product is certified according to the DPI rules.
Advantages of making leather gloves and garments
More and more companies are adopting new procedures in order to be less invasive to the environment. In this regard, the concept of traceability of hides is becoming increasingly important, in order to guarantee the producer and the customer their origin.
Over the years, a great deal of research has been carried out in order to be able to treat leather with vegetable products or products that do not contain chromium, while still being able to maintain the characteristics of leather where chromium is used.
The Italian tanning district has drastically reduced the use of water in the treatment of hides and, therefore, its waste and water pollution.
Leather is versatile and therefore lends itself to a variety of uses, it is durable and suitable for those suffering from mite allergies, as it is much more hygienic.
Leather is biodegradable, meaning that it decomposes easily if dispersed in the environment.
Leather comes from what we call our “food waste”, i.e. the animal meat we eat; isn’t it more consistent to use it to produce clothing, accessories, PPE, instead of replacing it with synthetic and harmful materials, often derived from petroleum, which are difficult to dispose of at the end of their use? In this regard, the concept of cruelty free is still very confusing, as it does not always coincide with the ecological factor. Often, in fact, what seems to be a choice in defense of animals, then goes to clash with the choice of materials not really green, such as PVC or plastic.
Eco-sustainable PPE, safety guaranteed
Regardless of the choice of production and purchase, an essential goal for us at COVAL is to have an ethical conscience that leads to the creation and use of eco-sustainable products.
Our gloves have been designed and produced to ensure safety against thermal and mechanical risks in the workplace, without forgetting the importance of comfort and resistance. This is why leather has proven to be the right material to achieve this goal.
Moreover, they are designed to meet the needs of different categories of workers: foundry, glass and metal industry, welding, shipbuilding, fire brigade, civil protection, medical sector and food industry.
Ethical and responsible choices for safe and durable PPE. That’s our philosophy.